C'est la Guerre
What is the true cost of making this movie? The hard numbers are easier to gauge: We’re running about $88,000 for a ‘finished’ feature. But that doesn’t include our festival run or sales agents or lawyers or not paying yourself or All The Other Things that speed bump your momentum and suck your wallet drier than dry. We’re about $120K in the hole right now with little hope of breaking even for at least a decade. So, what did we buy?
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Punching Above Your Weight
16/04/17 09:37 Filed in: Post Production | Pre Production
We finished shooting the movie-in-the-movie sequences yesterday after ramping up through months of stop & start misery and pigfuckery. To be honest, the shoot was so painful it nearly broke me. Had pre-production for principal photography two years ago been this bad there’s no doubt in my mind that we would have pulled the plug on “Clocking the T” there and then.
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The Cleftal Horizon
30/11/15 17:46 Filed in: Post Production
The internet is an amazing resource for filmmakers. Got a problem? Just ask. More often than not somebody Out There will help you out. Somebody you don’t know will chime in with a recommendation or answer that will Stop The Bleeding from the technology induced lacerations that end users and indie filmmakers invariably suffer. But sometimes the global village just bites you in the ass and you walk around with teeth marks that look like a tramp stamp.
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"Skirt SEP … tower JETT"
11/10/15 11:34 Filed in: Post Production
Let me bring you up to speed on what I've been doing the last four weeks: Nothing.
Correction: Fucking nothing.
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Correction: Fucking nothing.