Test Patterns
27/02/17 10:42 Filed in: Post Production
We just chugged through a week and a half of test screening the movie. Step one is, of course, getting people to watch it. In L.A., cold calling people to screen your self-financed micro-budget movie is pretty much asking them, "Is it okay if I show you my junk?" Mostly, they just run away.
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Twenty-First Century Mulligan
30/03/16 10:23 Filed in: Post Production
We've been looping the movie the last couple of weeks, with actors flying in and out of the edit bay as they're available—which is a toughie when we're all juggling day jobs and the leads have a fistful of sides. But it's getting done. And here's how we did it on the cheap…
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Low Hanging Fruit
06/02/16 14:17 Filed in: Post Production
We watched the ‘first cut’ of CTT last night and it moved along a LOT better. It’s really the second cut, but nobody counts the assembly. We didn’t miss a single thing of the 21 min 30 sec we deleted. If anything, we saw more scenes and elements we can jettison. But it certainly flows much smoother. In fact, it cranks along nicely…
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Cut Faster, Donkey Boy
12/09/15 03:26 Filed in: Post Production
So I'm… what… month four of editing? And I still don't have an assembly. It's tough being a One Man Band. If something needs to be done then I gotta do it. So things go sloooooow. It doesn't help that I have to stop down for weeks at a time to make my paper. But I have an hour and a half assembled and…
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