C'est la Guerre
26/02/25 14:14
What is the true cost of making this movie? The hard numbers are easier to gauge: We’re running about $88,000 for a ‘finished’ feature. But that doesn’t include our festival run or sales agents or lawyers or not paying yourself or All The Other Things that speed bump your momentum and suck your wallet drier than dry. We’re about $120K in the hole right now with little hope of breaking even for at least a decade. So, what did we buy?
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You Load Sixteen Tons, What Do You Get?
06/04/16 10:02
It’s our anniversary, of a kind. Whether good or bad, I cannot tell you. In the Death March of micro-budgetland, it’s just another signpost you ignore, knowing full well you’re Not There yet.
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15/12/15 14:57
Right on cue the transmission on my car shit the bed. It’s a twelve year old Honda Accord with 156,599 miles on it (Not quite to the moon…) so, yeah, these things happen. Get a new car, right? Sounds good, except for one little problem. It’s the car the protagonist drives in the film and we’re not done shooting it out yet.

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