
Boom, there it is. Our assembly of everything we shot. After the endless debacles since we wrapped I never thought I’d get to this point, but here it is. 2 hours and 21 minutes of the movie.

Six months late.

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Right on cue the transmission on my car shit the bed. It’s a twelve year old Honda Accord with 156,599 miles on it (Not quite to the moon…) so, yeah, these things happen. Get a new car, right? Sounds good, except for one little problem. It’s the car the protagonist drives in the film and we’re not done shooting it out yet.

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THANKS, Obama!!!

Jana got her visa. She's coming back in January!

[HUUUUUUGE sigh of relief goes here]

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The Cleftal Horizon

The internet is an amazing resource for filmmakers. Got a problem? Just ask. More often than not somebody Out There will help you out. Somebody you don’t know will chime in with a recommendation or answer that will Stop The Bleeding from the technology induced lacerations that end users and indie filmmakers invariably suffer. But sometimes the global village just bites you in the ass and you walk around with teeth marks that look like a tramp stamp.

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I kept on top of the budget until about two weeks before we started filming and after that it was 'all receipts go in the box.' So it wasn't until the holding pattern from my computer being replaced that I got around to bringing the budget back into some kind of order.


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"Skirt SEP … tower JETT"

Let me bring you up to speed on what I've been doing the last four weeks: Nothing.

Correction: Fucking nothing.

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Thanks, Obama!

Jana Nawartschi wasn’t the first actor we hired, that was Lee Simonds who read the role of Stanfield at the table read last year, but she was the first one we hired from the auditions back in March. She was the first lead and was totally and completely phenomenal and proved it every day on the set. Have you hired her for your next movie yet? Seriously, you should. Anyway, she’s actually German, living in LA on a work visa.

Not anymore.

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At the glacier speed that post production is moving I finally got around to synching dailies on the last week of photography… and just discovered that the entire day’s audio for Day 15 is lost. The 50 audio files I do have are a fraction of what we shot. It’s been 149 days since then. Four months, twenty-seven days. The chances of ‘finding’ that media now are slim and none, and Slim’s out of town.

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This Social Footprint Is Kicking My Ass

This website is KILLING ME. So many technical problems. I need to right-click on my frikkin' blood pressure.

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Cut Faster, Donkey Boy

So I'm… what… month four of editing? And I still don't have an assembly. It's tough being a One Man Band. If something needs to be done then I gotta do it. So things go sloooooow. It doesn't help that I have to stop down for weeks at a time to make my paper. But I have an hour and a half assembled and…

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Twitter Is A Problem

I started a Twitter account the day I shook hands with Pedro and decided to make "Clocking The T." From the get go I chose to be honest. I'd read enough Making Of blogs and been around theatrical advertising enough to know most of it was bullshit. And from the sixteen low budget features I'd edited on I knew that director's get pounded like a handmade canoe in a Class 5 hurricane. So I figured, what the hell, might as well just be honest about the ups and downs and see what happens.

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So Here's The Story...

I freakin' came to L.A. to make movies. And like just about everybody else comin' to town, I ended up doing just about every thing but that. Somehow I rolled my '67 VW into the low budget nirvana of 1983 Hollywood, a place absolutely overflowing with opportunity, and completely failed to get work in production…

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