They Think We’re Making ‘Coven’
10/10/16 10:47 Filed in: Post Production
We went to a family reunion in South Dakota back in July and my sister-in-law and her husband asked how the movie was going. I said it was going well but that we’d had a lot of setbacks and we’re slogging through it. That’s when I noticed she was giving me That Look.
Glassy eyed.
Slight nod of the head.
A shadow of a smile.
Every facial tic and body posture that human beings have developed over two million years of genetic evolution to communicate, "You sad fuckin’ loser,” without actually saying it.
When I mentioned it to Erika she said, yeah, she’d gotten the same Look when asked about the movie from a co-worker the week before. I wondered aloud, “What’s up with that? ” And she leaned in and whispered, “They think we’re making 'Coven.'"
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Glassy eyed.
Slight nod of the head.
A shadow of a smile.
Every facial tic and body posture that human beings have developed over two million years of genetic evolution to communicate, "You sad fuckin’ loser,” without actually saying it.
When I mentioned it to Erika she said, yeah, she’d gotten the same Look when asked about the movie from a co-worker the week before. I wondered aloud, “What’s up with that? ” And she leaned in and whispered, “They think we’re making 'Coven.'"

Two Drops From Dry
In the inexorable rush of western civilization to dynamite itself, the United Kingdom voted out of EU membership today. The thing is, we actually financed “Clocking The T” from my international savings account in Britain.
How does a European political debacle have anything to do with a Los Angeles based micro-budget passion project? To make sense I need to back up a little.
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How does a European political debacle have anything to do with a Los Angeles based micro-budget passion project? To make sense I need to back up a little.

Test Patterns
27/02/17 10:42 Filed in: Post Production
We just chugged through a week and a half of test screening the movie. Step one is, of course, getting people to watch it. In L.A., cold calling people to screen your self-financed micro-budget movie is pretty much asking them, "Is it okay if I show you my junk?" Mostly, they just run away.
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You Load Sixteen Tons, What Do You Get?
06/04/16 10:02 Filed in: Production | Post Production
It’s our anniversary, of a kind. Whether good or bad, I cannot tell you. In the Death March of micro-budgetland, it’s just another signpost you ignore, knowing full well you’re Not There yet.
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THANKS, Obama!!!
07/12/15 12:43 Filed in: Post Production
"Skirt SEP … tower JETT"
11/10/15 11:34 Filed in: Post Production
Let me bring you up to speed on what I've been doing the last four weeks: Nothing.
Correction: Fucking nothing.
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Correction: Fucking nothing.

Thanks, Obama!
05/10/15 11:39 Filed in: Post Production | Cast
Jana Nawartschi wasn’t the first actor we hired, that was Lee Simonds who read the role of Stanfield at the table read last year, but she was the first one we hired from the auditions back in March. She was the first lead and was totally and completely phenomenal and proved it every day on the set. Have you hired her for your next movie yet? Seriously, you should. Anyway, she’s actually German, living in LA on a work visa.
Not anymore.
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Not anymore.

Twitter Is A Problem
I started a Twitter account the day I shook hands with Pedro and decided to make "Clocking The T." From the get go I chose to be honest. I'd read enough Making Of blogs and been around theatrical advertising enough to know most of it was bullshit. And from the sixteen low budget features I'd edited on I knew that director's get pounded like a handmade canoe in a Class 5 hurricane. So I figured, what the hell, might as well just be honest about the ups and downs and see what happens.
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So Here's The Story...
02/09/15 14:27 Filed in: Pre Production
I freakin' came to L.A. to make movies. And like just about everybody else comin' to town, I ended up doing just about every thing but that. Somehow I rolled my '67 VW into the low budget nirvana of 1983 Hollywood, a place absolutely overflowing with opportunity, and completely failed to get work in production…
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