how not to
16/08/24 10:18 Filed in: Post Production | Distribution
If you’re wondering where the hell the movie has been since we finished I can tell you there’s a good reason for its absence: It wasn’t finished. And it almost sank like a stone into the murky deepwater graveyard of 'Whatever Happened To That Film?'…
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Rings Of A Tree
05/10/16 08:19 Filed in: Post Production | The Big Picture
At the tail end of the summer of ’95 I went to a BBQ of a friend of a friend’s place in Burbank. There I met a crew member who’d worked in a key position on “The Usual Suspects, ” which had just come out in theaters six weeks earlier to much acclaim. Enthusiastically I asked what that experience had been like and they began to dump a bucket of vitriol all over the movie, and in particular, the director, Bryan Singer. They told me he was a clown, a fool, both clueless and nitpicking. He didn’t know how to run a set, direct actors, or how even pronounce ‘Keyser Sozes'’ name correctly. They said it was a miracle the film got made. There was more but it’s irrelevant. Because here’s the thing:
It’s obvious to anyone who saw “The Usual Suspects” that summer that Bryan Singer knew what he was doing.
In fact, anyone who has ever seen “The Usual Suspects” knows immediately that Bryan Singer is a world class director.
So… WTF, right?
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It’s obvious to anyone who saw “The Usual Suspects” that summer that Bryan Singer knew what he was doing.
In fact, anyone who has ever seen “The Usual Suspects” knows immediately that Bryan Singer is a world class director.
So… WTF, right?

You Load Sixteen Tons, What Do You Get?
06/04/16 10:02 Filed in: Production | Post Production
It’s our anniversary, of a kind. Whether good or bad, I cannot tell you. In the Death March of micro-budgetland, it’s just another signpost you ignore, knowing full well you’re Not There yet.
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Twenty-First Century Mulligan
30/03/16 10:23 Filed in: Post Production
We've been looping the movie the last couple of weeks, with actors flying in and out of the edit bay as they're available—which is a toughie when we're all juggling day jobs and the leads have a fistful of sides. But it's getting done. And here's how we did it on the cheap…
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04/11/15 09:09 Filed in: Post Production | Financing
I kept on top of the budget until about two weeks before we started filming and after that it was 'all receipts go in the box.' So it wasn't until the holding pattern from my computer being replaced that I got around to bringing the budget back into some kind of order.
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23/09/15 10:42 Filed in: Post Production
At the glacier speed that post production is moving I finally got around to synching dailies on the last week of photography… and just discovered that the entire day’s audio for Day 15 is lost. The 50 audio files I do have are a fraction of what we shot. It’s been 149 days since then. Four months, twenty-seven days. The chances of ‘finding’ that media now are slim and none, and Slim’s out of town.
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