
Two Drops From Dry

In the inexorable rush of western civilization to dynamite itself, the United Kingdom voted out of EU membership today. The thing is, we actually financed “Clocking The T” from my international savings account in Britain.


How does a European political debacle have anything to do with a Los Angeles based micro-budget passion project? To make sense I need to back up a little.

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You Load Sixteen Tons, What Do You Get?

It’s our anniversary, of a kind. Whether good or bad, I cannot tell you. In the Death March of micro-budgetland, it’s just another signpost you ignore, knowing full well you’re Not There yet.

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The Cleftal Horizon

The internet is an amazing resource for filmmakers. Got a problem? Just ask. More often than not somebody Out There will help you out. Somebody you don’t know will chime in with a recommendation or answer that will Stop The Bleeding from the technology induced lacerations that end users and indie filmmakers invariably suffer. But sometimes the global village just bites you in the ass and you walk around with teeth marks that look like a tramp stamp.

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"Skirt SEP … tower JETT"

Let me bring you up to speed on what I've been doing the last four weeks: Nothing.

Correction: Fucking nothing.

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